2024 Walks will be held at Big Canyon Ranch in November
Nov 14 -17 (Men’s)
Nov 21- 24 (Women’s)
Walk Candidates
What to Expect
The Walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation
that begins with a three-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to
meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through
other believers.
The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church
members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of
work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with
The Walk To Emmaus is a lot of things to a lot of people. Here are some of the things people have said about this opportunity.
The Walk to Emmaus Is…
• A gift of God’s love for you
• An opportunity to reevaluate your priorities in life
• A place to experience God’s power and direction in your life
• A time of prayer, fellowship and communion
• An opportunity to meet new brothers and sisters in Christ
• A discipleship group to encourage you after the Walk
• A program to strengthen leaders in the local Church
• A call for unity among believers
Most of the weekend is paid for and financial aid is available so please do not let financing be of concern.
Men’s Walk (Big Canyon Ranch) November 9 (afternoon)-12 (afternoon)
Women’s Walk (Big Canyon Ranch) November 16 (afternoon)-19 (afternoon)
If you will be participating in either the Men’s or Women’s Walks, you must complete the Big Canyon Ranch (BCR) Participation Form “Waiver”(Below). Candidates must also complete the Wasatch Emmaus Application (Below) and have it signed by a home church Pastor.
Romans 12:5 “So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
About us
Putting our faith into Action is how we interact with the world.
Wasatch Emmaus Community Mission
Renew & Assist in Growing Christian Disciples and Strengthening Local Churches.
Wasatch Emmaus Vision
The Wasatch Emmaus Community will embrace our purpose and passionately work towards our vision as though we are doing the work for God, because we are.
Our Purpose is to be a profitable resource for all Christians (churches, community and non-community Christians) within the Wasatch area.
Our Vision is
to increase the breadth of our community through outreach to “unrepresented” churches, to grow community involvement in the local churches, gatherings, re-union
groups, and walks and to facilitate spiritual growth for community members.
Through God’s Grace, at the direction of the Holy Spirit, we will be a source of Love, Grace and Growth within your Church and our Communities.
Church Outreach
There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling – Ephesians 4:4
Thank you for considering becoming part of the Wasatch Emmaus Community. We wanted to take this opportunity to provide some more detail on the Outreach portion of our Mission Statement.
We believe that unity within the body of believers is being fractured. We are told through scripture that the Church is the body of believers. Therefore, when the Apostle’s and Jesus talk about unity of the church, they were speaking to the body of believers today as well as at the time.
Wasatch Emmaus is an Ecumenical Community, comprised of Members and Leadership from Non-Denominational as well as various Denominational Churches.
Our objective in regard to Outreach is to GROW the community and the church. Growth encompassed not just the number of members, but Spiritual Growth amongst our members. We encourage Growth in the understanding of our Lord & Savior through Biblical Study. Unity, we believe, is tightly coupled to Spiritual Growth.
The only required belief is in the Trinity. We hold that The Father, Son & Holy Spirt are Equal and Separate Personages of God (They are all God).
We are here to supplement what you are currently doing to grow your church family for service. We would be humbled and honored to serve the Lord as we serve you. Our weekend focus is on equipping your church members both intellectually through talks and spiritually through activities and fellowship.
If your church family is not currently part of this Discipleship community, we encourage you to select 1 or 2 individuals from your congregation to attend a Men’s and/or Women’s Walk. They can be an Associate Pastor or anyone of your choosing. They will be able to report back to you on their experience and the adherence to Biblical principles.
What Our Candidates Say…
The Emmaus experience has met a variety of people at different places along their Walk with Christ. Here is what some have said about their experience!
“As a pastor of a local church, my desire is to make disciples, in fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20). First, I strive to do this through the ministries of our church. But I also welcome other para-church ministries to assist in this all-important mission. Many para church organizations have little or nothing to do with making disciples, but not Walk to Emmaus. Its sole purpose is to help Christian pilgrims take their relationship with Christ to the next level. The curriculum they use is excellent, biblical, and helpful for spiritual growth and obedience to Jesus as Lord. I recommend it!”
Pastor James
Clearfield Community Church
I attended my walk in 2016. I was hesitant to commit but I decided to step out in faith and I am so thankful I did. The weekend marked a new trajectory in my Walk with Christ. I was involved in my local church prior but it has taken on an entirely new meaning since. I have since sponsored others within my church family to attend, to share the gift I received from my sponsor. When we come to faith, that is just the beginning of a lifelong transformation and my walk weekend has had a significant impact on my growth”. I strongly encourage all to prayerfully consider participating.”
Paul G
Grace Community Bible Church
I attended my first walk with the hopes of developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. By the end of the weekend, I can honestly say that I had been blessed with a very special mountaintop experience. It is humbling to understand the full impact of how deeply we are loved. Now I know how important it is to encourage others to go on this journey because I know of the joy that lies ahead for them.
With his love, He will calm all your fears. – Zephaniah 3:17“
Becky E
Hilltop UMC
Latest News
2024 Walks will be held at Big Canyon Ranch in November
Nov 14-17 (Men’s)
Nov 21-24 (Women’s)
Thank you for visiting Wasatch Emmaus Community Website. We hope that the content has been helpful… If you have any recommendations, please contact us on Facebook or via email (see above).
Romans 12:5 “So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
Thank You for Your Prayers
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